When It Feels Like You're Spinning Your Wheels

There aren’t too many things I dislike about life.

·         Watermelon would be one.
(Every summer I try again and hope my palette has changed. . .it hasn't.)

·         Hard chairs during long sermons.
(Some things make you tune out even the best words.)

·         Bitter words spoken in haste.
(Especially when they come from my own lips.)

·         Deception.
(In all forms.)

·         And realizing I trusted when I shouldn’t have.

Right on top of all these, however, is rut-living and wheel-spinning.

There’s nothing like looking back and thinking you’re exactly where you were and where you didn’t want to be, and it looks like all you’ve been doing is spinning your wheels.

You had hopes, you worked hard, you lost sleep, you kept trying.

But you’re not moving forward.

You’re spinning your wheels.

And it’s right on top of the list of things I dislike most about life.

But then I remember some of my favorite things.

·         Like the truth that God never wastes our time.
(He can restore years that have been eaten up by hopelessness. Joel 2:25)

·         He’s never too late.
(Jairus thought so. But the Lord showed up still, and He worked an unexpected miracle. Mark 5:35-43)

·         God never makes mistakes.
(Even when we do. He works it together for good. Romans 8:28)

·         And this truth repeated five times in the Bible: “The LORD reigns.”

Even when wheels keep spinning and ruts grow longer, the Lord reigns.

He’s in control of the mundane everyday’s.

He knows the ruts, the rabbit trails, the steps that seem to be useless in our lives.

And He knows how to set our spinning wheels on a path that will take us somewhere.

When you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, remember He reigns.

Remember that wheels were made for movement, lives were made for living, paths were made for taking us somewhere. And all the dislikes and favorite things of life can be opportunities to start looking upward.

To the One in complete control.

Who looks at your life and mine.

And He's satisfied.

"Why do you say . . . My way is hidden from the LORD? . . .
His understanding is unsearchable . . .He performs what is appointed for me." (Isa. 40:27,28; Job 23:14)


  1. Nailed it again! "And all the dislikes and favorite things of life can be opportunities to start looking upward. To the One in complete control. Who looks at your life and mine. And He's satisfied." So thankful to be accepted in the Beloved!

    1. Yes! And thankful He has our whole lives in His hands as well, so we can be content, knowing He's right on schedule. I pray you have a great week, Violet. Blessings,
      Bethany :-)


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