What a Bag of Pretzels Taught Me About the Love of God
I’m writing this on a four-hour flight to Portland.
I prefer not to fly on a full stomach.
But when the snacks came around, and a bag of pretzels
invited me to know my business was appreciated, somehow its sentiments sat as stagnant
on my gratitude radar as the pretzels did on my empty stomach.
And I realized something.
Sometimes I look
at God’s gifts like a bag of pretzels on a long flight, given to me simply
because He likes me.
The truth is, every gift God
gives is a token of His unending, abundant love.
A love that began before He created anything (Jer. 31:3).
That compelled Him to give sacrificially of Himself when
I didn’t deserve it (Rom. 5:8).
That stoops to my life and walks with me every step of my
day (Psalm 139:2,3)
That gives and gives.
I notice.
when I miss it.
when I think His gifts are a tiny trifle that He just sort of likes me.
He’s the Giver of life.
Who loves His own.
And His love is more than a bag of pretzels.
His love is
life-sustaining, life-giving, from His life, for ours.
God gives.
Just because He loves
“Since you were precious in My sight, You have
been honored,
And I have loved you.” (Isaiah 43:4)
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