They Didn't Turn Anywhere Else
He had an urgent need.
Bur his friend was sleeping.
He knocked anyway.
His friend said, “Go away!”
But he had nowhere
else to turn.
So he kept knocking.
She ached for her daughter’s healing.
But Jesus was silent.
She asked anyway.
Jesus gave no encouragement.
But she had
nowhere else to turn.
So she kept asking.
And she received. (Mark 7:24-30)
I wonder.
Does God’s silence mean He’s waiting?
Is He waiting to see if we’ll turn somewhere
None of us has anywhere else to turn.
Unbelief tells us to try anyway. To stop knocking, and search
elsewhere for the answer that isn’t coming.
Faith shouts at us to
And keep knocking.
Keep knocking at
the door that opens to persistent knocking.
When the answer comes, it will be said of us, “They didn’t
turn anywhere else.”
“He spoke a parable to them,
that men always ought to pray and not lose
heart.” (Luke 18:1)
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