What God Already Gave: Rest

If you were to make a dream board, would it include a vacation?

Mine would.

In fact, a certain destination spot has been on my bucket list for over twenty years. It would be a beautiful place to see with plenty to do. However, most of what I'd do there is rest.

Vacations should involve resting. Getting away from the norm. Ceasing from work. Sitting around and doing nothing.

Did you know God created a whole day for that? He made planets the human eye will never see, insects that take microscopes to observe, flower petals, land masses, the human brain, seasons. It took Him six days to make everything.

But He created one day to do nothing but rest. To give Himself a chance to stop and enjoy His work. To give those He made in His image the opportunity to enjoy it, too.

God created rest.

He calls you and I to enjoy this gift he gave. Not just one day a week, or one week at a place we've dreamed of visiting. He offers it to us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

We don't need a vacation fund and a trip itinerary to find true rest. A piggy bank for loose change, labeled "For that destination spot I have to see before I die." We don't need to hang pictures of hammocks, palm trees, cruise liners, and pillows, and dream about one day finding time to rest.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

This is His call to stop. To sit back for a minute and realize that He has done everything necessary to secure for us what we think we can accomplish on our own.

Much of our laboring is simply a desire to succeed. To be good enough for God. To be accepted by those around us. One more aim at perfection. One more dollar. One more investment. Seeking. Climbing. Working. Trying.

Many are trying to achieve something, when it isn't necessary.

Jesus addressed these workers by calling them, "All who labor and are heavy laden"--maybe He could have put your name and mine there--and said, "Come. I will give you rest."

The moment we choose to rest a minute, we also choose to stop. To stop working. Stop laboring. Stop trying, pushing, accomplishing. We are choosing to say, "I can't anymore. I'm done."

Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross.

Hudson Taylor, who was dramatically changed by this statement of Christ wrote this:

"Bear not a single care thyself. One is too much for thee. The work is Mine, and Mine alone. Thy work is--Rest in Me."
 I still dream of going to that destination spot I heard about over twenty years ago.

Maybe you have a place you dream about, too.

But every day, God calls us to rest.

To make sure we aren't laboring for the wrong thing; that we're working while resting in Him.

He calls us to enjoy what He already gave.


"Return to your rest, O my soul, 
for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you." (Psalm 116:7)

Related post: What God Already Gave
Next post (October 29): What God Already Gave: Forgiveness

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Photo by Sergei Akulich on Unsplash


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